
Charles Square mural - archery

Erection date: 1999


{On the tile at the bottom right of the archery scene:}
Barlo, the 'Duke of Shoreditch' winner of the great Archery contest of Hoxton Fields 1583.

The section of the mural to the left of our photo shows archery butts set up in fields with cows, a church and a few houses in the background.

Site: Charles Square Mural (3 memorials)

N1, Old Street

One of the tiles near the right hand end reads: "Mural designed by Neil Irons with help from the residents of Charles Square.  Made at Hackney City Farm by N. Irons and S. Bird, 1999."

More pictures at Joy of Shards.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Charles Square mural - archery

Subjects commemorated i

Archery practice

From the Norman period, at least, until the introduction of firearms in the 1...

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Barlow, 'Duke of Shoreditch'

From British History on-line:  "In the reign of Henry VIII., when Shoreditch ...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Charles Square mural - archery

Created by i

Stephen Bird

Artist/designer/craft-person.  Born Stoke-on-Trent.  Initially we could find ...

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Neil Irons

From his own website: "Scottish artist Neil Irons has been based in London si...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Charles Square mural - archery

Also at this site i

Charles Square mural - Catherwood

Charles Square mural - Catherwood

{On the tile at the top right of the scene:} Frederick Catherwood, architect ...

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