WW1 poet. Born Rugby. Joined the navy and sailed to the Med. but died on his way to Gallipoli from an infected mosquito bite, on a French hospital ship moored in the Aegean Sea. Buried in an olive grove on Skyros where there is a memorial statue of him. This was described by Lady Diana Cooper: "It represents a huge nude man and when I say nude I don't mean maybe. It is like some ghastly advertisement in a German bugger-journal." Quoted in Philip Ziegler's biography of Diana Cooper.
This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Rupert Brooke
Creations i
Royal Naval Division - WW1
Near the base of the four sides of the obelisk water jets into the basin be...
South Suburban Gas Company war memorial
The monument, designed by Sydney March, is grade II Listed. Prior to 2012 Goo...
Other Subjects
Tom Moore
Iris poet, singer and songwriter. Born Thomas Moore at 12 Aungier Street, Dublin. He came to London to study law at the Middle Temple and befriended many prominent people. In 1803, he was appointed...
Person, Music / songs, Poetry, Caribbean Islands, Ireland, USA
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Diplomat, poet, hedonist and traveller. Born Petworth House, Sussex. Advocated anti-Imperialism, and supported Irish nationalism. Legendary womaniser, one being William Morris's wife, Jane. Married...
Kate Greenaway
Illustrator of children's books and poet. Born 21 Cavendish Street N1 (now entirely post-war blocks of flats). She and her family moved to Upper Street in 1852. She worked for London branch of Marc...
Dame Edith Sitwell
Poet and biographer. Born at Scarborough into the aristocracy. 6-foot tall, with elongated features she added to the effect with her exuberant flowing and ornate clothing. Her poetry was avant ...