Place    From 1694 

Royal Hospital School

Categories: Education

The hospital was founded by King William III and Queen Mary II, and the school started in 1712. It was was nicknamed the 'Cradle of the Navy' because of its tradition of training future sailors. The original purpose of the school was to provide assistance and education to the orphans of seafarers in the Royal and Merchant Navies.

From 1806 the School was based in the Queen’s House, Greenwich.  This function required the building to be extended with east and west accommodation wings, linked to the House with colonnades.  Further extensions were added in 1876. In 1933 the school moved from Greenwich to Holbrook in Suffolk. The picture shows pupils in the gymnasium circa 1928.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Royal Hospital School

Commemorated ati

National Maritime Museum - openings

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Royal Hospital School

The buildings of this museum were occupied until 1933 by the Royal Hospital S...

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