Group    From 1970  To 1973

Gay Liberation Front

Categories: Gender Issues

By 1973, GLF had effectively dissipated and had given way to its spin-off organisations.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Gay Liberation Front

Commemorated ati

First gay rights demonstration

Unveiled 25 November 2000, the 30th anniversary of the commemorated event. In...

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Gay Liberation Front

Creations i

First gay rights demonstration

Unveiled 25 November 2000, the 30th anniversary of the commemorated event. In...

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Westfield College

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Henry Labouchere

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First gay rights demonstration

First gay rights demonstration

The first gay rights demonstration in Britain took place in Highbury Fields when about 150 members of the Gay Liberation Front held a torchlight rally against police harassment. Louis Eakes of the ...

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Walter Gilbert

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8 memorials