Person    | Male  Born /2/1818  Died 20/2/1895

Frederick Douglass

Social reformer, writer and statesman. Born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, probably in his grandmother's shack in Talbot County, Maryland. He escaped from slavery and became an agent of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. In Britain from 1845 to 1847 he lectured on slavery and £150 was raised for him to buy his freedom. Back in the USA he held various public offices and was appointed US minister to Haiti. His writings include 'My Bondage and my Freedom'. Died in Washington DC.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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Frederick Douglass

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Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass 1818 - 1895, American social reformer, author, orator and ...

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Treatment Rooms 2 - Frederick Douglas

Occupy London was a movement (2011-12) for social justice in London, England,...

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