Event    From 20/6/1897  To 20/6/1897

Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria

Categories: Royalty

Shortly before this event, in September 1896 Victoria had become the longest-reigning monarch in British history, beating George III, the previous holder. Victoria reigned 1837 - 1901, 64 years.

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This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria

Commemorated ati

Lewisham Clock Tower

{On the bronze plaque:} This clock tower was erected to commemorate the Diamo...

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Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee fountain - WC2

Erected by the Board of Works for the St Giles district to commemorate the si...

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Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in Wanstead

The Latin quotation is interesting. It is from the Bible, Proverbs 3;16, and...

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Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee - W1

Not the most flattering portrait of the old dear.

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St George's Circus - clock tower

Our image comes from Historic England where we found the designer, Groll, but...

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