Literary critic and writer. Born Coventry and was brought up in South Africa and Ireland as well as England. Educated, with George Orwell and Cecil Beaton, at a school in Eastbourne. Edited Horizon. Married three times. Disappointed himself and others by not producing a masterpiece. His well-known quote "There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the pram in the hall" sounds like an excuse to us. Died at a clinic in Ladbroke Terrace.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Cyril Connolly
Commemorated ati
Orwell, Spender & Cyril Connolly’s Horizon Magazine
George Orwell, 1903 - 1950, Sir Stephen Spender, 1919 - 1995, wrote for Cyril...
Other Subjects
Cecil Day Lewis
Poet and novelist. Born Ireland but brought up in London. His mystery novels were written under his pseudonym, Nicholas Blake. During the 1940s, while still married to his first wife, he had a long...
Leonard Woolf
Author and publisher. Born Leonard Sidney Woolf in Kensington. After working in the Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) Civil Service, he returned to Britain where he met and married Virginia Stephen. Together ...
Born Saint-Malo, Brittany. Died Paris. Went to America in 1791, returned to France and then in 1793 escaped to England where he lived in extreme poverty until returning to France in 1800. He ...
Edgar Wallace
Prolific writer: crime, novels, journalism, plays films. Born 7 Ashburnham Grove, Greenwich to an unmarried mother. Adopted by a Billingsgate fish porter and wife. Aged 18 joined the army medical...
Person, Cinema, Journalism / Publishing, Literature, Theatre
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