Founded 1837 with Sydney Hall in Pond Place. At Exciting we learn "In about 1906 they published a set of cards showing their original Sydney Hall and vacant site nearby at the southern apex of Bury Street {now Bury Walk}, together with architect’s drawing for a new building. The new Sydney Hall was opened in June 1908; it is now {still standing and} home to the Oratory School." Our picture, which also comes from Exciting, is a photograph of the inside of the Hall which we think must be the new one.
This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Chelsea Temperance Society
Creations i
Chelsea Temperance Society - Anscombe
Chelsea Temperance Society, founded 1837. To the memory of William Henry Ansc...
Chelsea Temperance Society - Brass
Chelsea Temperance Society, founded 1837. To the memory of John Henry Brass, ...
Chelsea Temperance Society - Dauncey
Chelsea Temperance Society, founded 1837. This stone was laid by Samuel Henry...
Chelsea Temperance Society - Dillon
To the memory of Hon. Conrad A. Dillon, who was connected with this society f...
Chelsea Temperance Society - McCurrey
To the memory of James & Margaret McCurrey, early & devoted workers i...