Building    From 1960 

Carpenters' Hall

Categories: Liveries & Guilds

The story of the Carpenters' three Halls is given at the Picture Source website.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Carpenters' Hall

Commemorated ati

Carpenters' Hall plaque - rebuilding

The plaque refers to the unveiling day being 'Election Day'. There was no Gen...

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Other Subjects

Worshipful Company of Firefighters

Worshipful Company of Firefighters

A late-comer to the City guilds.  Formed by Gerald Clarkson, in 1988.   13 June 1995 granted the status of a City Company without Livery.  23 October 2001 it became known as the Worshipful Company ...

Group, Armed Forces, Liveries & Guilds

1 memorial
Frank Nathaniel Steiner

Frank Nathaniel Steiner

Frank Nathaniel Steiner was Chairman of the City of London Planning & Communications Committee in 1973. 1973-1984 Clerk to the Company of Gardeners.  From The Brotherhood: The Secret World of...

Person, Law, Liveries & Guilds, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
Glovers' Hall

Glovers' Hall

The History and Antiquities of Dissenting Churches and Meeting ..., Volume 3, 1810, gives the history of Glovers' Hall, as follows: In Beech Street, at Beech Lane, originally part of a palace belo...

Building, Liveries & Guilds

1 memorial
Dyers' Hall

Dyers' Hall

The Worshipful Company of Dyers was incorporated in 1471.  Their Hall in Upper Thames Street was lost in the Great Fire of 1666.  Rebuilt, it burnt down again in 1681.  They then moved to Dowgate H...

Building, Liveries & Guilds

1 memorial

Previously viewed

Grim's Dyke - Harrow Heritage

Grim's Dyke - Harrow Heritage

HA3, Old Redding, Grim's Dyke

We can't explain the quotation marks on the inscription and think they are probably not significant.

3 subjects commemorated, 1 creator
Bishop Mandell Creighton

Bishop Mandell Creighton

Born Carlisle. His first career was as an historian. Bishop of London, 1897–1901.

Person, History, Religion

2 memorials
Hammersmith Socialists

Hammersmith Socialists

Political group. William Morris had belonged to H.M. Hyndman's Socialist League, but when its views became too extreme for him, he founded the Hammersmith Socialist Society which met at his home, K...

Group, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
Cannon Street Station

Cannon Street Station

EC4, Cannon Street, Cannon Street Station, The Sir John Hawkshaw pub

In our photo the plaque can be seen to the left of the four lamps.

6 subjects commemorated, 1 creator
William Goldman

William Goldman

Screenwriter and novelist. Born on 12 August 1931 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He's the one who first said "Nobody knows anything" in reference to predicting which films will be successful. He died ...

Person, Cinema, Literature, USA

1 memorial