The bomb was planted by Neo-Nazi David Copeland, who was also responsible for the attacks in Brixton (17 April) and the Admiral Duncan pub (30 April) in Soho.
Brick Lane has a large Bangladeshi community, and it is believed that Copeland planned for the bomb to explode when the Brick Lane Sunday street market would be open. However he got his days mixed up and brought the bomb on a Saturday, so he left it in a bag in nearby Hanbury Street. This was picked up by a passer-by who took it to the Brick Lane police station which was shut, so he put it in the boot of his car and went to call the police. Being in the boot greatly reduced the effect of the blast when the bomb exploded.
The police station (which was in the block which has the plaque) can be seen in one of the photos at No to Hate Crime.
Thirteen people were injured and many buildings and cars were severely damaged.
Copeland was sentenced to six concurrent life sentences in June 2000.
Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of