Born Whitechapel of an Italian father and English mother. Worked as an assistant to Onslow Ford. The picture source is an excellent introduction to this man who favoured naked ladies. Mapping Sculpture has some detailed information.
This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Andrea Carlo Lucchesi
Creations i
Onslow Ford
The monument was designed by Simpson. The Muse (naked lady) on the south fac...
Other Subjects
Frank Meisler
Architect and sculptor. Born Danzig. Arrived in England via the Kindertransport. Active in 2006. Art Forum obit. Born in what was then Danzig and is now Gdansk, Poland. Meisler was himself one of t...
Person, Architecture, Sculpture, Germany, Israel/Palestine, Poland
Marcus Cornish
Sculptor. Other work in London includes the 2001 'Stag' in St James's Square.
Doreen Kern
British sculptor. From Art UK: "Sculptor in bronze. Technical knowledge was acquired while working at The Morris Singer Foundry, and she also studied at The Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute. Showe...
Benvenuto Cellini
Italian goldsmith, sculptor, draftsman, soldier, musician, and artist who also wrote a famous autobiography and poetry.
Person, Art, Craft / Design, Literature, Music / songs, Poetry, Sculpture, Italy