
St Bartholomew's Gatehouse

Erection date: 1932


This gatehouse was restored in 1932 to the use of the church in memory of the two brothers, Sir Aston Webb RA and Ed. Alfred Webb FSA, also of Frederick L. Dove DL FSA who worked together on the restoration of the fabric of the church for over 40 years.

This delightful plaque has a crest at each end. The open gate rather spoils the picture.

Site: St Bartholomew's Church Gatehouse (2 memorials)

EC1, West Smithfield, St Bartholomew's church

The restoration of this church was the first major work by Aston Webb. His brother, Edward, being churchwarden at the time was probably just coincidence, don't you think?

Photos of the 2015 "Ceremony Of The Widow’s Sixpence" plus early photos of the site at Spitalfields Life. And more at A London Inheritance.

In the 1940s this gatehouse served as a, very small, Rectory for the church.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
St Bartholomew's Gatehouse

Subjects commemorated i

Frederick L. Dove

DL FSA. We believe he was one of the Dove Bros..

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Sir Aston Webb

Also designed the eastern façade of Buckingham Palace, the entrance façade to...

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Edward Alfred Webb

FSA. Brother of Sir Aston Webb.

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
St Bartholomew's Gatehouse

Also at this site i

St Bartholomew's WW1 memorial

St Bartholomew's WW1 memorial

{On a metal frieze, probably brass, a quote from John 10:10.} "That they mig...

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