
Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee tree - SW1

Erection date: /6/2016


This golden Indian bean catalpa tree, known also as a catalpa bignonioides aurea, was planted by the St James's Square Trust in honour of the Diamond Jubilee Anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - June 2012.

The tree was inaugurated by Ms Kate Adie OBE - journalist and broadcaster and celebrated by the St James's community.

Site: Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee tree - SW1 (1 memorial)

SW1, St James's Square

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee tree - SW1

Subjects commemorated i

Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II

Our picture shows Queen Elizabeth II in the River Thames Diamond Jubilee Page...

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Queen Elizabeth II

Born 17 Bruton Street, to the Duke and Duchess of York. For information on wh...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee tree - SW1

Created by i

St James's Square Trust

From the Picture source website: "... the St James’s Square Trust is intent o...

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Kate Adie

Born Northumberland.  Journalist and broadcaster for the BBC, known for her w...

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