Erection date: /7/2012
Margaret Mellor, born 1933.
As a Waterloo resident Margaret has worked for the last 40 years on community planning in Waterloo. Her main aims have been to increase social housing for families and green open space for everyone. She contributed to the setting up of Waterloo Community Development Group, Coin Street Community Builders and Waterloo Action Centre.
Artist: Jacqueline West
By: Southbank Mosaics
Arts Council of England
Site: Morley mosaics - King Edward Walk (10 memorials)
SE1, King Edward Walk, Morley College
These 10 portrait mosaics are the result of a project by Morley College to celebrate the achievements of significant women who have lived or worked in the Waterloo area. Left to right: Thrale, Seacole, Mallett, Hill, McCall, Szabo, Mellor, Kelly, Rabatts, Bell. There is a small label under each mosaic which we have transcribed. Many of these portraits seem to have been installed at a slight tilt; for our photos we have set the worst offenders upright.
See also another 4 portrait mosaics on the Westminster Bridge Road side of the college.