
Henry Robertson Bowers - SW16

Erection date: 29/3/2012


{Beneath a photograph of Bowers:}
Henry Robertson "Birdie" Bowers, 1883 - 1912.
Centenary of the Terra Nova South Pole Expedition.
This plaque commemorates the centenary of the death of Lt Henry "Birdie" Bowers on 29th March 1912 with Capt. Robert Scott and Dr. Edward "Bill" Wilson on their return journey from the South Pole. Two other members of the party, Petty Officer Edgar Evans and Capt. Lawrence "Titus" Oates, having died earlier. Henry Bowers attended Streatham High School in this building in 1896 - 7 when his family were living in Streatham at 19 Pathfield Road.
This plaque was unveiled by The Mayor of Lambeth, Councillor Christiana Valcarcel, & Brian Bloice, Chairman of The Streatham Society, on Thursday 29th March 2012.
The Streatham Society

Site: Henry Robertson Bowers - SW16 (1 memorial)

SW16, Pinfold Road, Tate Streatham Library

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Henry Robertson Bowers - SW16

Subjects commemorated i

Henry Robertson Bowers

One of Scott's four companions who died with him, returning from the South Po...

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Edgar Evans

Born Wales. Met Scott when both were serving in the Royal Navy. One of Scott...

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Lawrence E. G. Oates

Born Putney. Captain in the Dragoons. One of Scott's four companions who died...

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Captain Robert Scott

Born Devonport. Royal Navy Antarctic explorer. With four companions, E.A. Wil...

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Dr. Edward Adrian Wilson

Born Cheltenham. One of Scott's four companions who died with him, returning ...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Henry Robertson Bowers - SW16

Created by i

Streatham Society

A society which aims to raise the awareness and appreciation of its local are...

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Brian Bloice

Chairman of the Streatham Society.

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Christiana Valcarcel

Local councillor and Mayor of Lambeth 2011 - 2012.  Originally from Sierra Le...

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