
Black Prince Road ceramics - plaque 01

Site: Black Prince Road ceramics (13 memorials)

SE11, Black Prince Road, Tunnel underneath railway bridge

These lovely ceramics plaques were installed some time in or before 2008. There are 12 oval ceramics of which 7 nos 1-7) are mosaic and represent Edward the Black Prince (or used to, see below). Two (nos 9, 10) provide explanatory texts; 4 (nos 7, 8, 11, 12) are based on Doulton designs.

At some point before August 2020 one of the Black Prince plaques was replaced with one representing Black Lives Matter. 

We have numbered the plaques starting from the south-east corner of the tunnel, along the southern wall and then back along the northern wall, finishing at the north-east corner.

Have a close look at plaque number 8.  There's a little medallion stuck into the cement at the top. We have identified this as a coin of Lithuania, a country which has a knight on horseback as one of its symbols. The cement above plaque 10 looks as if it also used to have something stuck to it.  The knight on horseback image is spot-on topic for the Black Prince-themed display, but we can only guess who attached the coin(s) or why.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Black Prince Road ceramics - plaque 01

Subjects commemorated i

Edward the Black Prince

Edward, Duke of Cornwall and Prince of Wales and Aquitaine. Eldest son of Kin...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Black Prince Road ceramics - plaque 01

Also at this site i

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