
E. Ball

War dead non-military, WW2 i

Commemorated on a memorial as being a civilian who was killed in WW2. Includes mercantile marines and emergency services personnel.

Penge civilian killed in WW2.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
E. Ball

Commemorated ati

Penge war memorial

The WW2 civilian list identifies 14 people who worked in civil defence and wh...

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Shahara Akhter Islam

Worked as a bank teller at the Co-op Bank, The Angel, Islington. The Tavistock Square memorial does not use 'Akhter' in her name. Shahara Akhter Islam was born in 1985 in Whitechapel, the daughter...

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3 memorials
H. Sutton

H. Sutton

Name on one of the main panels of the East Ham WW1 memorial.


War dead, WW1
1 memorial
L. Savidge

L. Savidge

Penge civilian killed in WW2.


War dead non-military, WW2
1 memorial
Thomas Haynes Parker

Thomas Haynes Parker

Churchwarden in Clerkenwell in 1845. Insurance papers for 1835 list a Thomas Haynes Parker at 25 Winyatt Street, Goswell Street, "paper stainer". By 1836 he has become "gent" with another property ...

Person, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
Private J. Saffron
War dead, WW1
1 memorial