
St Andrews - charity scholars

Site: St Andrews - charity scholars (2 memorials)

EC4, St Andrew Street, St Andrews Church - west door

This building is St Andrews Holborn. There has been a church here since at least 951 AD. It escaped the 1666 Great Fire but was so dilapidated by that time that it was included in Wren's post-Fire rebuilding scheme. In 1684-7 it was largely rebuilt, with the base of the tower and the west end being kept. It was refaced in Portland stone. The Victorians and then WW2 have also caused changes.

Ward-Jackson's "Public Sculpture of the City of London" lets us tell you... St Andrew's Parochial School was founded in Brook Market {possibly Brooke's Market, EC1} in 1696 (the date displayed by the girl) and moved to a chapel in Hatton Garden in 1721 where were erected 2 pairs of charity children. After WW2 when that building and this church were both restored following severe bomb damage a pair of the children were erected here. Dobbins Churches gives some information about the church.

This section lists the memorials located at this site:
St Andrews - charity scholars


St Andrews - charity boy

He reminds us of the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz. Right?

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St Andrews - charity girl

{On the paper in her left hand:} MDCXCVI {1696}

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This section lists the memorials located nearby this site:
St Andrews - charity scholars

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