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Carlos Rey

Categories: Sculpture

Carlos Rey

Wikipedia gives this name for one of the Camp Griffiss memorials but we are only guessing it's the SHAEF memorial.

This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Carlos Rey

Creations i

Camp Griffiss - SHAEF memorial

The story of SHAEF is complex but we are pretty certain "Grosvenor Square" is...

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Other Subjects

Hazel Reeves

Hazel Reeves

Our picture comes from the video of the unveiling of the Gresley statue, on Reeves' website.

Person, Sculpture

1 memorial
William Wagstaff

William Wagstaff

William Wheatley Wagstaff. Sculptor, architectural sculptor, stone carver, sculpture business and foundry owner. Born Keighley, West Yorkshire. By 1910 he had moved to London. WW1 he was employed ...

Person, Sculpture

2 memorials
Miss Harris

Miss Harris

Sculptor active in 1923.

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1 memorial
Shenda Amery

Shenda Amery

Sculptor (or "sculptress", according to her website). Born England, studied chemistry and moved to Iran where she took up art and sculpture. Active in 2011.

Person, Sculpture, Iran/Persia

1 memorial

Previously viewed

Marshalsea 3 - stone - Little Dorrit

Marshalsea 3 - stone - Little Dorrit

SE1, Borough High Street, Angel Alley

We've put the pin for these 6 plaques at the entrance to the alleyway but they are actually laid into the ground, distributed along the a...

3 subjects commemorated