Group    From /11/1952 

Royal College of General Practitioners

Categories: Medicine

Founded in London. Instituted in November 1952, and granted its Royal Charter in 1972.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Royal College of General Practitioners

Commemorated ati

RCGP opened in this building

The Royal College of General Practitioners Opened by the patron, His Royal Hi...

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Royal College of General Practitioners

Creations i

A. J. Cronin

A. J. Cronin, 1896 - 1981, Scottish novelist and General Practitioner, practi...

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Indian doctors in the NHS

We only know about this plaque from an article in the 24 November 2019 Hindus...

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Sir James MacKenzie

College of General Practitioners Sir James MacKenzie F.R.S., 1853 - 1925, ph...

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Other Subjects

Staff Nurse Sue Garner

Staff Nurse Sue Garner

Staff Nurse in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department, the National Hospital.

Person, Medicine

1 memorial
Sir Archibald McIndoe

Sir Archibald McIndoe

Born Dunedin, New Zealand. Pioneering plastic surgeon who worked for the Royal Air Force during World War II, treating badly burnt aircrew. Appointed C.B.E. in 1944. Knighted 1947. Helped found ...

Person, Medicine

1 memorial
Nelson Hospital

Nelson Hospital

Originally known as the South Wimbledon, Merton and District Cottage Hospital. It opened with six beds and two cots. It was renamed in 1905 to commemorate the centenary of Nelson's victory at the B...

Building, Medicine

1 memorial
Marie Stopes

Marie Stopes

Born in Edinburgh. Scientist, writer, dramatist and poet. Publicist of the campaign for sexual education. Advocate of family planning and founder of pioneer birth control clinic. Courageous crusade...

Person, Gender Issues, Medicine, Science, Scotland

5 memorials

Previously viewed

Lady Ottoline Morrell

Lady Ottoline Morrell

WC1, Gower Street, 10

Greater London Council Lady Ottoline Morrell, 1873 - 1938, literary hostess and patron of the arts, lived here.

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator
G. P. Hepworth

G. P. Hepworth

Surbiton man killed serving in WW1.


War dead, WW1
1 memorial