Group    From 2/1/1818 

Institution of Civil Engineers

Categories: Engineering

The professional institution for civil engineers, with members in the UK and many other countries. Founded by Henry Robinson Palmer, James Jones and Joshua Field. Its first president was Thomas Telford.

A professional body committed to supporting and promoting professional learning, managing professional ethics, safeguarding the status of engineers and representing the interests of the profession in its dealings with outside organisations.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Institution of Civil Engineers

Creations i

Robert Stephenson statue

The scroll in his right hand probably represents engineering designs.

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Sir Peirson Frank

Unveiled by the Audrey Lewis.

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Thames Tunnel - Rotherhithe

International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark Thames Tunnel constructed 1...

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Other Subjects

Sir Thomas Sopwith

Sir Thomas Sopwith

Aviator and aircraft manufacturer. Designed the Sopwith Camel. Aged 10 accidentally killed his father in a shooting accident. Expert ice skater and a legend in the yachting America's Cup. Born 92 C...

Person, Aviation, Engineering, Sport / Games, Transport

1 memorial
Duffield sluice

Duffield sluice

This was part of the drainage system that kept the south bank free from flooding. The ground being very close to river level it was necessary to have a gate, or sluice-gate, across the drainage pip...

Place, Engineering

1 memorial
Harold Knox King, CBE, CEng, FICE, FIMun.E, FRICS

Harold Knox King, CBE, CEng, FICE, FIMun.E, FRICS

Harold Knox King was born on 24 March 1907, the second child of William Henry King and Williamina King. His birth was registered in the 2nd quarter of 1907 in the Rochdale registration district, La...

Person, Engineering, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
Edward Turner

Edward Turner

Motorcycle designer and manufacturer. Born at 32 Bronti Place, Walworth, Surrey. He became chief designer of the Ariel Cycle Company in 1932, where he designed the four-cylinder Square Four power u...

Person, Engineering

1 memorial
Kingschoole sluice

Kingschoole sluice

"Kingschoole" refers to the passage of the Tyburn river through the grounds of Westminster School.  'Sluice' refers to an artificial water channel controlled at its head by a gate.  And there is in...

Building, Engineering

1 memorial